Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Growing up

"Life's eventually going to be real fun"
Was all an evil pun

"This is the time to be serious"
Was ofcourse sarcasm too delirious

"These are the defining years"
Sweetie say bye bye to the partying peers

Wondering how many times was I at the hearing end
To be reminded that I was close to going off the bend

The passing years made me realise
Each previous life shattering trouble now seemed like an innocuous sneer in disguise

Ridiculing the past yet learning from none
I continued to grind waiting for the fun

Only to be told at the gates of joy, my friend u turn ahoy
You have come to the end of the road, from here mundaneness aboard

I tried to wake up from this bad dream called reality,
Only to realise that my right to dream had been exchanged for maturity

Maturity itself was no present from above anyhow
Am still unwrapping the layers and surviving with practicality for now

I fail at no opportunity to shout out to the young ones around
There are only so many years of life to be found

That's before you begin to live the life of a hound
And that's even before your better half gets your troubles to compound

Gazing at the time, i ponder how long will these mindless jibes entertain the mind,
When will there be an opportunity next for life to find

Growing up is hardly an option I seem to enjoy
Ageing however is the just another semantic decoy!!

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