Saturday, March 17, 2012

Search for Passion!

If you love what you do it ain't work,
Well what if you didn't, were you condemned to be a jerk ?

Trying to fault the system around
There were hardly any answers I found

What was it that I was searching for,
If stumbled upon, to hold on to it would I have the power ?

What was it that made the ideals the people they were,
The money, the idea, the execution or just passion so pure

How was I to find my elixir,
Would the impatience and irritation finally have a fix

With expectations so high from a solution so unknown,
I began introspection of what seeds of passion in me were sown

More than the exercise I am enjoying the dialogue with the wise,
Maybe the journey will take its time, for now I atleast I knw what lies ahead in prize.

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