Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Obituary to a dream

All the time i thought it would last
Never admitting that the dye was cast

Well it was hard to work with the assumption of godly fate
It just ruled out the possibility of messing with Almighty the great

Then.. at times he struck with force amass
And you know what .. one just couldnt grasp

The fact that your existence could be taken away
Makes you re-think, short term scam or long term play

What if you were not meant to last the race
And if you did, you might have run out of pace

Out of context as much it may seem
Saw a colleague going down with his dream

One fine morning we were informed
The bench he sat on would no longer be warmed

It wasnt the first.. not that there were no such things in the past..
And no matter how much i wish.. it wont be the last

Yet when it hits you from quarters so near
It makes you shiver with fear.. if not for self then those dear

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