Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Half Truth

It aint one of those sudden realisations in life
And yet one which was achieved with considerable strife

Milestones were set at sincerity and integrity,
Destination arrived at deceit and hypocricy,

Chanakya was hardly being curt
"Straight trees are first to be cut"

Honesty and Integrity were redefined
To comfort the perpetrators the adjectives were refined

Strategies, Secrets and Half lies
Became the new age traits to vie

Diplomacy was the crowning glory
Gone were the days, when such acts were uncouth and gory

Yet the kindergarten definitions stayed the same
i guess they didnt expected the kids to enter the game

When the conniving were punished for being far from straight
It was like recongnising the future greats..

Those poor beasts also didnt realise
that this was their talent in disguise

Newbies were to meant to learn it the hard way
That there were hidden rules to the play

For answers the ordinary would sift in vain through their academic pile
The greats however.. what they lacked in competency, they made up in guile

Most of the above is just the raw truth
Guess it wont make sense till you brood..

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