Tuesday, May 26, 2009


On the road less travelled I fear to tread
There aint much to lose, still don’t know what’s there to dread

The comfort has set in too deep
The hope that it might change for better just doesn’t seep

Optimism has become a word for the impractical
Risk is a word for the brash,
Want to live life without making a move
And yet be there in line to cash

When one said change was constant, I thought it would stay
But now it’s all moving so fast, can’t seem to catch run as fast as I may

In the process of playing cat and mice, I came out trumps
I didn’t win the race but I knew I was acting like a rat in the dumps

The fear of losing is worse than losing itself
Especially for those who have not built themselves

The belief in your ability to stand,
Comes most in the withering sand

Challenging change is more like a stunt
Then again it can be done only from the front

While you are behind, you can only opine
Whether or not you were willingly left behind

Changemasters to me are not those who make the change
But those who anticipate and change the change

They are prepared to turn the tide
From being thrown a drift, they move ahead with a glide

From unspoken heroes to legends alike
Improvement is their way of life

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