Tuesday, May 26, 2009


On the road less travelled I fear to tread
There aint much to lose, still don’t know what’s there to dread

The comfort has set in too deep
The hope that it might change for better just doesn’t seep

Optimism has become a word for the impractical
Risk is a word for the brash,
Want to live life without making a move
And yet be there in line to cash

When one said change was constant, I thought it would stay
But now it’s all moving so fast, can’t seem to catch run as fast as I may

In the process of playing cat and mice, I came out trumps
I didn’t win the race but I knew I was acting like a rat in the dumps

The fear of losing is worse than losing itself
Especially for those who have not built themselves

The belief in your ability to stand,
Comes most in the withering sand

Challenging change is more like a stunt
Then again it can be done only from the front

While you are behind, you can only opine
Whether or not you were willingly left behind

Changemasters to me are not those who make the change
But those who anticipate and change the change

They are prepared to turn the tide
From being thrown a drift, they move ahead with a glide

From unspoken heroes to legends alike
Improvement is their way of life

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Wonder what took the confidence away
What makes the mind go astray

Where did the intuitive powers go
Why is there no decisiveness to show

It’s not as if, I blundered big time
Or as if I committed a crime

Somewhere false humility seeped in deep
It’s as if, sternness began to seem steep

Living within boundaries has become too convenient
And there’s always a friend around for frustrations to vent

The fire within dies before it fully ignites
I am back to steps before beginning to take strides

The fear of going wrong keeps me away
Knowing well that there could be nothing worse to say

The thought of disappointing someone or letting people down
It’s all so personal, if I let you frown

I know better, that there aint a way to keep all sane
But the never ending struggle drowns me in further pain

Someone once said, the only thing worse than losing something
Is losing the confidence of getting it again

There is need for a knee jerk action
If only I could decide on the direction

I have reached a place
Where there seems to be thoughts pouring in for every case

Somewhere these thoughts need to be put in action
Even if it means disappointing a faction

Somewhere things might and will go amiss
But better still than me reaching the abyss

It’s time to shake off the lethargy and don new attire
Time to challenge the mid-life satire!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Misgivings of the head and the heart

Lord only knows his desire
For he gave us a heart to enjoy his satire

It wasn’t enough to have a head
Calling it brain for all, though would be too far fetched

Coming back to the point, like there wasn’t enough thought
Now one also had emotions to be fought

Why is it that..all impetuousness was blamed on the heart
While the head took claim for success from the start

Everytime you desired, was it the heart or head
That made you dream lying in the bed

Its hard to realize who impacted the nervous spells
Was it the hearts will or the heads dread..

Wise men say…Follow your heart, use your head
Well… only if both of them agreed together to tread

Immaturity, impatience and all those classy work-in-progress words
Its like describing the act of catching those run away birds

Who could control the will and virtue
Aside from the far and few, although many have tried to claim their due

Further confusing is the desire to control
Albeit when you do, you’re in for no stroll

It would be like holding a cake but not having it
Admiring the car but not driving it.
Owning a house, not living but manning it
Holding a kid but not playing with him/her….it

For the fear of spoiling, you steer clear
Not realising you’re losing your life dear

Its, of these moments, that a lifetime is made
And rest all are glorified moments for family and friends to tale

Live life, like you desire, head’s or heart’s, leap over the pyre
Leading life by example, leaves little to admire