Friday, August 13, 2010

Beauty lies underneath!

sometimes it makes me wonder,
if beauty does lie down under

cuz if that were the case
why would there be the cosmetic chase

why were protagonists so attractive in looks,
wasnt an engaging character enough to keep the audience on the hooks

if the book wasnt to be judged by its cover
and if all that glittered wasn't gold,
shouldnt they spend more time teaching mannerisms to kids
than on dressing them up for the world

why are beauty contests associated with blonde bimbettes,
if beauty was within, shouldn't catwalks be replaced by test of wits

was the facade just a move to keep the ugly ducklings in control,
or is reality a way of giving the pretty ones a role

whatever it is, the definition and application are misguided for sure,
when an alluring exterior is held synonymous with a soul so pure

its not that the two are isolated for always,
yet to substitute one with the other doesnt seem to be the right way

1 comment:

chimera said...

For someone like you
Whom Beauty of life defines...
this is a beautifully written piece :-))