Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My Experiments with happiness

It takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown
Always believed that staying up was easier than to drown

Off late realisation has turned a corner itself
What seemed regular, requires struggle no less

It was easy to be happy at times,
But making an effort at other times was no crime

Through the ups and downs of life came definitive points
When you could swing as well, and wear the moody crown

Or else you could live through the grind, with a smile on your face
Knowing that you have received more than your share of grace

There aint no need for comparison to any,
Just a walk down the memory lane would do the trick for many

Before accepting life the way it is
I'd much rather step up and change it into a bliss

Have come across many in life,
Who have been accused of having no strife

Getting to know them I realised, it wasn’t any pain that they hide
It’s just that they accepted that there would be a downslide

Yet they didn’t let it get them down
Instead of being gloomy they prepared for the happy sound

Aint about rejecting reality, rather accepting it and believing, time I made it a better place
Certainly aint about turning your back, but looking it in the face “hey, wanna go some other place”

No ones to blame if your life wasn’t a dream, but for you
Knowing you could have made it better for all around you

Every night I wanna go to bed, believing I lived another day in wonderland
Every morning I wanna wake up, to live the dream I just had...

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