Tuesday, June 3, 2008

There are only some things money cant buy!!!

A few bucks down the drain,
From pa s pocket, didn’t feel the pain
He slogged for every cent while we spent
In the materialistic world, the value lost its scent

Its often said that money cant buy everything,
Well if not, it sure can you get you to a stage to think about that thing
The value of money is gravely misunderstood,
By those who have too much or too less to bother two hoots

Ask a person whose moneyless dreams were squashed
He didn’t ask for money but the dearth, struck unabashed

Considered an evil for friendships to prosper
Who would I ask, if not my trusted helper

So how important is it, well for once
Ask a guy who works to live
For seconds
Ask a guy who plans to give

Though outnumbered by those who profess their stand for a less materialistic world
They find ample support, as the professors perform against their word

So where does one draw the line
Between satisfaction and the greedy incline

I guess not many have found the answer, and those who did
Couldn’t share, for it is for each one to bid

Born to be HAPPY :-)

In one of my recent conversations, rather arguments, with my uncle, I conceded to one of the facts that he convinced me thoroughly of; we were born to be happy

His first argument was ; "don’t you think human beings are generally happy"
My obvious answer was "no", with all the sadness around it seemed an apt comeback

Then he asked my opinion on me as a person, about being generally happy or sad , I replied a yes, for I was happy for more time in a day than I was sad

He caught upon that and replied, same is the case with other people, if you measure the amount of time they are sad or happy, it will always weigh heavier on the happier side invariably.

Then I thought about it, no matter how pissed I was, or how angry at someone or something, it took me not more than a few hours of a single bad day to get over it, now even if you were to calculate a bad phase out of your life, you would realize that your sad periods wont aggregate to even 10% of your total life.

Now it would be logical to conclude that an activity carried out for more than 90% time of our lives is not that hard and comparatively easier than its counterpart, thus proving its easier to be happy.

Here comes the final point or rather the most important conclusion from the discussion, WE WERE BORN TO BE HAPPY, and even when we don’t realize it, we are happy for most of our lives.

Its often said sleep is a reflection of a happy and peaceful state of mind, so all the blissful sleepers around, who at any point feel sad during the day must treasure their joyful siesta and continue to smile.