Monday, January 10, 2011

An ode to Dadu

He always said that his life would make an interesting story,
It's hard to wonder how would one fit so many memories

For someone who started out small
Who took stride with every fall

From barefoot scorching walks
To cycling cargo round the clock

Having to endure washing others clothes
Having to survive on hardly a loaf

Climbing up the ladder with your head held high
Oh the pain you suffered, still makes us cry

Bringing up a family build on principles
Holding your own in the face of obstacles

Encouraging your children to march ahead on their own
While you watched their backs for demons untold

Praying for the health and wealth of close ones
Not asking for self, making the single wish for your son

Setting examples of hard work and grit for young ones to follow
You made sure that we all learned that life wasn't hollow

We miss you and remember you with each breath
We shall honour and respect you for life unto death