Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mona Lisa Smile

Fewer muscles to smile than frown
Grandma’s tip became talk of the town

Twisting of lips seemed hardly a guile,
Now appears worth a medal if it lasts all the while

Deciphering the mysterious smile of Da Vinci’s muse
The world stumbled much to the arty amuse

While to many it was a breathtaking sight
To others it was a woman holding on to her insights

From courtesy calls to hearty laughs, From tiny smirks to sarcastic remarks
A smiling face holds it forte, From bright mornings to lonesome darks

A smiling face hath no regrets
Only the spirit to face the threats

One who wears his scars with a smile aplomb
Hides more than the mourning tomb

Yet life rekindles in their arms
For it needn’t reach out for the sympathetic alms