Thursday, October 29, 2009

The lustiness of laze

For time unknown, the reaction hasn’t grown
The mention of lust, and outcomes the emotion of disgust

Without dissecting the origin and dictionary meanings
It’s simply put, just a yearning

Though best used to describe..... The primal beast (ya right!!)
I for once don’t find it wrong to create a stirring title atleast

The desire for laziness is no different to express then
If not all then most are infatuated with the siesta pen

Although more likely to be a feeling innate
When practiced at work, it separates the ordinary from the great

Like the L word... it’s a sensation best kept to yourself
Though all may crave inside, it aint for public indulgence

It’s contagious nonetheless
Well you can’t blame one, it’s comforting nevertheless

The soothing comfort of doing nothing for once
It starts as a puff, and soon becomes an addiction for existence

To break the circle you must toil, those plans for slumber one must foil
And there comes a point of no return, when you become a hardworking geek with no fun

Yet, the lust for laziness survives on the weak and the meek
For the rest it just waits for the weekend breaks...