Friday, August 14, 2009

The Picasso life

A friend once told me Picasso’s cubism serves
For all i understood, the guy couldn’t draw the curves

What was so special to demand a feeling so elate
Weren’t cubes part of the daily plate

Well then life moved out of arts and fun
And the cubes struck back with a pun

They were all around like popsicles in childhood dreams
For an instance i thought they only maintained elegant streams

Another look at the office space didn’t change the thought too much
I got the good old desk and chair without the cubicle touch

The window seemed like the reward for those missing out
Yet to a novice like me, it was the icing on the cake without doubt

Today morning the prejudice was removed
To a cubicle when i was requested to be moved...

The boss seeked a pleasant response for his friendly gesture
All i could think was, uh....ummm... as you say master...

The first few minutes of enclosed space made me realise
This must have been the creation of the worldly wise...

To trap you in a space with plenty for others to peek
To look around there was nothing much to seek

It is supposed to make you nice and warm, and..define your workplace
I stretched my hands behind.... and already i was sharing a colleague’s space..

So much for my assertion of it helping me concentrate on work
Been yapping about it for an hour with a mighty smirk

Soon i will come out with the cubicle chronicles..
The life and story of those trapped...
For now i know for sure, no matter what efforts i make
In their household woes, i will be sapped...