Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Recency Syndrome

Out of sight, out of mind
How would i remember you through my grind

Ever wondered how you lost track of your trusted accomplices
People who meant the world, whom your heart now and then misses

Well for one i thought it was all about the connection
And for seconds i put it down to the mutual affection

But it was more than abstract thoughts
In the real world, where you ran after what you sought,
It wasn’t just about the intention to stay in touch
It needed an effort to remember as such

Everytime a new acquaintance entered life, the mind tried to push an old one aside
Don't bet on the intelligence of the same, more like the last time the thought of him came

In an effort to connect to the present, loosened strings of the past
In the valley of known, i hung on to the recent cast

It ain't about losing touch and regretting the same
Its about realising how the rest remained

Admiring the test they stood by
When your memory would have thought a many to bid them bye

Real friends might not be the ones who stick around always
They might not be the ones that badger you and lecture on the right and wrong

For me they are the ones who stood up when i called, and i knew
That no matter how many hours separate the last talk, to connect they wont take long

And invariably you will find, you’re in shit most of the time
And to call up your effervescent chum ain't not crime

And if you suffer from the recency syndrome too,
He wont respond cuz you felt damn guilty to dial him to

The moral of the story is to bear in mind
Lost in the grind, you need a buddy to unwind,

So make a call, write a message, drive an extra mile
It is you who knows how to make him stay the while