Sunday, August 10, 2008

The friendly "Critic"

For every one finger you point towards someone
The rest four point towards you,
Does that mean never point out
Cuz u can never be perfect enough for you

Your real friends are those who are blunt
and point out your mistakes,
So then why cant they just wait for the right moment
and choose the right way

Sweet talkers are the worst kind, beware
Then why are we taught to be sweet, come what may

Once a fool, always a fool
Well who gave you the right to rule
If there wasn’t room for any
All of us would be game for pennies

Practice what you preach
Or else you aint fit enough to teach
Well what law did one breach
If from one s own mistake, he did teach

The motive aint to counter fall,
For there lies truth in them all
But if there aint a way to mark the line
Then why is there a need every time to whine

If I’m a friend, and I care
Should I point out something “I” feel wrong
Should I wait for the moment
Should I worry about the right way,
Should I be sweet and soothe it in
Guess the answer always is “it depends” :)

who are you talking to ??
what is the whole matter about ??
what is the person going through ??
how has the person reacted the previous times ??

Yet !! all we do is go by instinct
for some we point fingers,
for some we pat the back,
and for some we lie back and let time do the trick

A little sweet, a little sour

A lil sweet a little sour
I had a dream, I fear I went too far

I wanna run I wanna fly
I wanna live until I die
Wanna love wanna care
Wanna do things I dare

A lil sweet a little sour
I had a dream, I fear I went too far

Take a leap, climb up steep
Sow a tree I can reap

A lil sweet a little sour
I had a dream, I fear I went too far

Wanna cry wanna try
Wanna kill memories that dry
Wanna cheer wanna peer
Into a world without my fear

A lil sweet a little sour
I had a dream, I fear I went too far

Wanna laugh wanna smile
Wanna walk those thousand miles!!!